"A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety." ~Ansel Adams

Sunday, May 29, 2011


As part of my new role, I had the opportunity to travel to (South) Korea as a member of a delegation from the Special Olympics International. The 2013 World World Special Olympics Games will be held in PyeongChang. Korea is absolutely beautiful country and I felt so welcomed the whole time I was there (which was only 4 days -- talk about a whirlwind trip across the world!). The last day I was there, there was a press conference in Seoul where the mascot and logo of the games were revealed. It was a really moving ceremony. Congresswoman and Chairman of the Games Na (pictured below with two Korea Special Olympics athletes) gave a beautiful speech of how much holding the games in Korea means to country. There were also musical performances and dance performances as part of the unveiling. Here are a couple shots from the ceremony:

Clarinetist and Special Olympic swimmer Jin Ho Kim who performed with Yiruma, an internationally known pianist and composer. Jin will be performing at the closing ceremony of the games in Athens this summer!

The mascots: Ra - In - Bow. (Get it -- Rainbow!) Ra represents the safety of the athletes, In will greet the guests with love, and Bow will take care of all the fun. (Unfortunately I was sitting in the 3rd row... sooo I got some heads in the shot!)

Here is a link to all my photos from the event along with a blog post from Brady Lim, our COO: http://specialolympicsblog.wordpress.com/2011/05/19/getting-ready-for-korea/

Sunday, March 27, 2011


It has been quite a while since I last posted. I had the incredible opportunity to go to Uganda to work on a project with Catholic Relief Services as part of a course called Business on the Frontlines. Our project was focused on water sustainability in northern Uganda. It was an incredible journey, filled with a lot of emotions, and left our team determined to find a solution. We met some amazing Ugandans and traveled through the gorgeous country. Here are a few photos of my journey:

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We took a quick trip up to NYC this weekend for my brother's holiday party. I absolutely love NYC during the holidays and try to get to Rockefeller Center to see the tree and the displays on 5th Avenue every year. Of course, I forgot my "real" camera so I snapped a few photos with my iPhone. (Ok truth be told, I took a lot of photos but these are the ones that came out best.)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Walking in a Winter Wonderland!

It's finals week.... so I am procrastinating.... but on my way home from the library (see I was studying!!) I snapped this photo on my phone of the Golden Dome.... It started snowing Saturday and literally did not stop snowing until yesterday! Lucky its really pretty snow that is easy to dust off my car!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A much needed victory...

This past weekend several of my dearest friends came into town for the last home game of the season. The whole day was a blast and it was such a great win. We scored enough points that everyone in our group got to do air push ups!

Just thought I would share a few photos from my iPhone that were taken!

Sweet victory!

The obligatory Touchdown Jesus photo.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I got to spend Halloween with one of my favorite families! Jackson was dressed up a Mickey Mouse and Cole went as Anakin Skywalker. Ila dressed up as a leprechaun but when we asked Jackson what mommy was dressed as he said a green turtle! We had a blast taking them treat or treating through the neighborhood! Here are a few shots of our evening:

How sweet is this family?!

Cole getting into character.

Is this not the most precious kid??

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Heidi & Will Continued

As promised, here are a few more of my favorite photos of Heidi & Will. I love them both and love them together and am so excited to stand by them in May at their wedding! And isn't Heidi just beautiful?!